Saturday, July 19, 2014

Here's What Happens When You Don't Listen

In his eponymous song, "The Piano Man",  Bill Joel said, "It's 9 o'clock on a Saturday and the regular crowd shuffles in".  I say "It's 9 o'clock on a Saturday and here's what happens when you don't listen."

I've just come home from my local Starbucks.  My aim?  Bring my laptop, spend an hour or two working peacefully and then come home with a Java for my wife, fulfilled that I've already knocked off a couple hours work before the day begins in earnest.  It wasn't to be - and I'm irritated. 

Why so?  It's not that their wireless was down (IT happens), but rather because no-one listened to me.

I logged in. Check.  Asked to select the wireless network.  Check.  Then got the "fail whale".  Called the toll-free number on my screen - Starbucks tech-support.   It was answered on the second ring.

"Hi, I can't get onto your network"

"Yeah - it's a known issue"

"Umm --- any suggestions or any idea when it will be up"

"None - nope"

"OK?" - anyone would have heard the irritation in my voice

"Well, I will have to go elsewhere"

"Fantastic - that's an excellent idea"

And then he was gone.  Quidam!

The guy on the other end endorsed me going elsewhere to drink coffee and work???  (((Hello???)))

That's exactly what he did. Clearly, the tech guy never heard a word I'd said.    And of course, I am now elsewhere.


1.  You destroy the brand

2.  You alienate the customer

3.  You lose sales

 And these are just the iceberg's tip

 Note to Starbucks: Selling coffee is the easy part.  Yeah, you make a great Java - no question.  But it's the experience too that counts and I was less than happy. Train your people!

Meanwhile, I have just arrived home with a couple steaming Javas.  One for me and one for my Missus bought from Tim Horton's where the wi-fi was fine - just sayin'

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