Friday, October 24, 2008

Sometimes media can make things better, othertimes worse

I think it’s more than fair to say that right now, the world is in the dumps about its globally spiraling stock markets. Seems like every day, one after another, is a bloodbath ... whether you're in Singapore, Sydney, London or New York. And there is no doubt that millions of people worldwide have lost trillions of dollars - me included.

But the past that really gets my goat here is the media. It's doom and gloom all the way, every day. Seems to me that they only interview doom-sayers ... surely, there must be a person in-the-know-about-stocks somewhere in the world, who has something positive to say - someone who can perhaps defy conventional wisdom!

Why are the media not spending some time with Warren Buffett, the Oracle of Ohama? He's been buying stocks big time lately ... now mind you, they are all quality stocks. He's very bullish about matters. Nooo - instead the media choose to only interview doomsayers who seem to feed off the detritus of yester-years' strong markets.

Come on media! Please balance your interviewees. It's not all doom and gloom out there. There is a silver lining in this black cloud. Seek someone who's positive, (or at least neutral) and I can assure you - you'll find. And hey, if you are at a total loss, you can always pick me. Good news can be contagious

1 comment:

  1. The biggest shame is the lack of innovation during rough economic times. Lack of funding and attention to start-ups during tough times will lead to stagnation at best when things do recover. When things do improve, it will take time to get the spirit and execution of new ideas back. Not suggesting that wasting money is the solution to get us back into a bubble situation but things need to be put into perspective...
