Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Costs Of Class

You know, it really is true --- what goes around comes around, or as they say, in our business - the worm turns. Last week I think I did something that showed some class.

I sent some flowers to another top-notch Toronto PR agency ... the reason why I did this is really academic now, but I think it was the right thing to do.

More importantly, the right thing of the PR agency to do, was to thank me for the gesture. Don't get me wrong - I don't require accolades or anything like that, but recognition is always nice ... and they too did the right thing.

Within minutes of them getting the flowers, I was called by the agency thanking me. And in today's age when class is sadly out the window, it was a nice act.

Thanks ...

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of class ... I received your e-mail holiday greeting today. It was one of the few e-mails I received that did not include any kind of pitch or sales message. And I love that you made a charitable donation instead of spending money on snail-mailed cards and postage. It was just a really nice touch.

    Thank you and cheers right back at you,

    Gienna Shaw
    HealthLeaders Media
