Friday, November 14, 2008

Some of us just don't get it

Wow ...

A client called today looking to have us manage their ad budget, and a fairly hefty one at that. It is a national buy - $120k (nothing to sneeze at). So, I had one of my people call up to get rates. Our experience with the Montreal Gazette was brutal.

1. It took her 6 minutes on the Gazette's site for us to track down their phone number (surely companies should make it easy to be contacted, especially when they are the one's doing the selling). Rule 101: If a buyer cannot contact you, they will go elsewhere. This is especially true in the internet age when you have three or less clicks to capture interest

2. So we called, and there was no human to speak to. I repeat ... no-one. Just a voicemail saying if you know the last name of the person to whom you want to speak, please enter it now, otherwise leave a message. This is hardly the greeting a new customer wants to hear. How would I know the last name of the person I need to speak to if I have never called before?

3. So, I left a message 6 hours ago.

And am still waiting to be called back.

Meanwhile, we have taken our business elsewhere.

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