Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The power of social media

I was again reminded about the power of social media today. Here’s what happened:

1. I logged into tweetdeck and by coincidence saw that @ashleybal (located in Toronto) was having a plain lunch while others in her office were having other stuff. One was having poutine, from who knows where??

2. Within seconds, I contacted Ryan (@poutine) – a client and asked if he would be able to deliver his delicious pioutine to @ashleybal

3. For sure he said yes

4. Minutes later, @ashleybal was enjoying yummy poutine

5. I was smiling some 40 miles away (as if distance is relevant)

6. She tweeted to a number of people including @rockitpromo, @momwhoruns, @avdequerre, @bigail and @christinallison – and likely others

a. All this happened in like 4 minutes

Yikes, said I as I sat in my comfy office. And than I started to do the math … some 14,000 people across the world now know about this. Cute huh!

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