Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It’s all in how you say it

For the past several years, we have used GreenLawn Lawncare to tend to our lawn in the summer. I’m not ,much of a garden guy myself, but it makes the boss happy – so I shell out the bucks diligently every spring and my wide smiles during the summer, and if the weather’s nice – well into the fall. A pretty lawn equals a happy wife.

But I have to give GreenLawn props for branding themselves professionally.

Two days ago, I got a call, from a chipper sounding lady “”that went like this …

“Hello Mr Sacke, this is GreenLawen, how are you?”

“Very good, yourself?”

“Good thanks – I just wanted to let you know that the technician will be visiting tomorrow at 6:00pm”

“The technician???” (At this point, I’m thinking cable? Check! Phone? Check! Internet? Check!) “Which company are you with?”

“GreenLawn Lawncare – the lawncare specialists”

“You have lawn technicians?”

“Of course, caring for lawn is very difficult. It requires technical knowledge and our lawn technicians are highly skilled”

“Ok, sure”, I mumbled. “Sure, send over your technician”

A lawn technician? I did not know there was such a thing.

Anyways, uniformed lawn technician showed up at the appointed time. He (unlike most other gardeners), was clean, bright-eyed and bushy tailed, despite it being 5:00pm on a blazing hot day.

What to learn? Brand yourself right. Gardeners, you are not gardeners anymore, you are lawn technicians. And I have a new-found respect for you all, whether you call yourself a gardener, horticultural specialist or a lawn technician.

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