Don't be a sleeping dog during the dog days

Notwithstanding the importance of getting enough sleep, my kids however don’t really see it that way. They’re teenagers now. Regular run-of-the-mills kids. They’re sometimes rude, even arrogant. And on weekends, they sleep until 11am, 12, 1 or even 2pm. I choose my battles – this not being one of them. They know I hate it. They know it bugs me – and I hope they know the reasons why it bugs me. Enough said, but sleeping-in does go hand-in-hand with the period of year we’re now in – aka, The Dog Days of Summer.
Background - "Dog Days" (diēs caniculārēs) are the hottest, most sultry days of summer. In the Northern Hemisphere, the dog days of summer are most commonly experienced in the months of July and August, which typically observe the warmest summer temperatures. In the Southern Hemisphere, they typically occur in January and February, in the midst of the austral summer. The name comes from the ancient belief that Sirius, also called the Dog Star, in proximity to the sun was responsible for the hot weather.
But I digress!
In the workplace, I’ve never seen people slack off as much as they do in the last two weeks of August. The last 2 weeks of August make from December 15 to Jan 4 every year seem like a hive of activity – if you know what I mean. Now, I’m not saying people don’t deserve vacation, ‘cause they do, but if you’re working or showing up at the office, then work, don’t slack off. If you’re slacking off, not only are you wasting time, but you don’t deserve your salary either.
Business is going to pick-up come Labor Day. Here’s some stuff to get done during the dog days:
1. Get yourself checked up! Delaying going for your yearly physical guys? Scared about the doc’s finger? How long’s it been since you had a mammogram or PAP smear ladies? Delay no longer. Get it done. If there are any issues, the sooner it’s discovered and treated, the easier and more likely you are to recover. You know that already. Summer’s the perfect time to get this kind of stuff done.
2. Call 5 people a day to whom you’ve not spoken to in a year or more. Sounds daunting? Who cares? Don’t email them – that’s a cop-out. Call them. Say hello. Ask about their family. Catch up. Shoot the breeze. You get the picture. The most successful people are excellent networkers. They know who to call when – and they do just that. The benefits of keeping in touch are often under-estimated. As Nike says, “Just Do It!”
3. Step outside your comfort zone. Just once! It’s been said by smarter minds than I that the only way to conquer your fears is to conquer them. It’s not rocket science, duh! Maybe it’s time to do that Zoomba class you’ve been threatening to do on account of your seemingly-ever-expanding butt or maybe you’d rather have root canal without anasthetic than make a presentation. Well, forget your fears and comforts. Step out just once. Do the class and make the presentation. The second and subsequent times are easier.
4. Work on bettering yourself at something – anything! Have you longed to solve Rubik’s cube? Improve your tennis game? Get to know 5 co-workers? Be a better spouse? Lose 10 pounds? Well stop procrastinating --- the time is now.
I’ll be looking to see what you’ve done during the dog days. Blow me away with results – and if I am, you’ll get 25,000 points anywhere Air Canada or its Air Alliance flight partners fly. No kidding.
I love what you wrote here,I think everybody should read this.
Thanks so much... very inspiring.. I will try all of them.
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