Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Conundrum of Weight Gain and Loss

The conundrum of maintaining a slim physique sure is not an easy one to understand – and as one gets older and wiser, in some ways the game gets easier, and in other ways – harder.  Let me explain.

I’m 5 foot 9 with an average physique – always having led a pretty physically active lifestyle.  No question, that despite me not celebrating Christmas (I’m jewish), December’s not a good month as far as managing one’s weight is concerned.  It’s also little wonder that January is the busiest month of the year for new sign-ups at any gym – and this is because losing weight is the number one new year’s resolution  that there is. 

So, weighing in on January 1, 2013, I decided to cut the crap – so to speak – and do something about it.  Now, to be fair, it’s not like I would call myself obese, or even heavy – but you know what I mean – the weight had slowly been creeping on – a pound here, a  pound there – a pound everywhere.

So, January 1, I decided to lose some weight – setting myself a 120 day target to lose 20 pounds.  I’m 76 days into it and down 12 pounds –this is a good thing.  My pants fit better.  I sleep better.  I look better – and most of all, I feel better.   Whether I meet my target or not, there’s a few very important things I’ve learned

1.    This is all about a battle of the mind – No question, one’s mind can be your best friend, or your worst enemy – and this is particularly true in the world of weight.  Want to lose some?  Well – then conquer your mind that plays tricks on you all the time.  Stop making food the focal point of your day.  Don’t linger ion the kitchen.  Don’t start something you can’t stop.  All small mind games – that while sounding easy – are not

2.     Losing weight is not about starving yourself – it’s about developing, implementing and sticking to healthy eating (and drinking) habits.  For sure, I’d fallen onto some bad habits – eating late at night --- and that was a killer for me.  Now, I don’t even go into the kitchen after 9 at night – ‘cause if I go in – you know what I’ll be doing

3.       Mindful eating is a biggie – and by this I mean you gotta think what you’re eating.  We’re all busy – and it’s all to easy to grab something on the way out for you to chomp down in the car – and that’s a no-no in my world.  You gotta sit at a table.  No book.  No TV.  No gabbing on the phone while you’re eating – they all distract.  Look at your plate.  Note the texture and taste of each food – trust me – it’s the way to go.  Not only will you enjoy your food more – but you’ll lose weight too when you discover mindful eating

4.       If you fail to plan, then plan to fail – is what The Williams’ dad once said.  I guess he was referring to tennis, but he may as well have referring to losing weight.  No question I’m spending more time in the kitchen these days – lots more.  But it’s worth it.  I plan my meals ahead of time, so that I’m never starving.  Got a work function where you know the high-carb killers will be.  Doesn’t cut it saying, “I'll see how I feel when I get there” – rather I plan ahead so I avoid the waist-expanding killers.   I’ll take carrots, celery and other healthy stuff.  I’ll snack.  I won’t go to the sweet table – not on your life – and it’s not easy – it’s just what has to be done.  You know?  "You gotta do what you gotta do!"

5.       Perhaps brush your teeth after the main course - Have a problem resisting desserts?   Then get the taste of food out of your mouth.  That way (and research will confirm), that you’re far less likely to eat dessert – and you know that’s a good thing.

Personally, I’m neither a dietitian  nutritionist nor psychologist – as Joe Walsh would say, “I’m just an ordinary, average guy.”  

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