Sunday, July 29, 2012

I’ve got Erythromelalgia. Help!

I’ve got Erythromelalgia. And I’ve learned to live with it.

Erythromelalgia, also known as Mitchell's disease is a rare neurovascular peripheral pain disorder in which blood vessels, usually in the lower extremities (feet in my case), are blocked (frequently - on and off daily), then become inflamed and very uncomfortable. It’s a horrible condition which unfortunately is getting worse. There is also no cure for this condition.

I’ve had this condition since I was a kid – my earliest recollection being me wanting to wrench my shoes off my swollen and boiling feet after even a ten-minute walk. Not a good situation. I’m the guy that only ever wears closed shoes when I work out or play tennis. Every other time, I’m in my crocs or sandals. And I mean every other time. I meet clients in my crocs. I go to weddings in my crocs. I go to work in my crocs. I wear a suit and tie with my crocs -- and even in 2 feet of snow, I wear my crocs. When other Torontonians trudge in the snow in boots and galoshes, you’ll see me in my crocs.

I promise I’m not looking for attention, nor am I looking to stand out, as I do like a sore thumb (pardon the pun), but my condition is awful – my feet are perpetually hot. There’s no foul foot odor and nor is there profuse sweating or swelling. It’s just searing heat, all the time coming from my poor feet.

Yeah – it’s uncomfortable – but I’m not going to die from it. I soak my feet in a pail of ice water to relieve the heat. I can’t remember if I’ve ever been able to put my feet under the comforter when I sleep – they’re always above the comforter. Sometimes, it looks like my feet have little bubbles on them --- perhaps the heat is trying to escape.

I’ve also seen doctors and specialists – there’s nothing that can be done – my condition is rare and incurable.

But hey – I’m healthy. Low cholestrol. Height and weight proportionate. Average blood pressure. No addictions. Work out regularly. Great kids. Great wife. Emotionally stable. And I don’t smoke. What more could I want?

Most of all, I’m grateful that I only have Erythromelagia.

Now, I’m going to get back to the telly to watch the Olympics.

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