Friday, March 23, 2012

Something Different To Do In Toronto

I think one of the most intriguing things about us humans is the concept of free will choice. I know many people who exhibit very little, (if any) of it. They do the same things, day in and day out – experience very little of life’s wonders – and then one day – die.

That’s not me at all. I want to experience everything. I want to live every day like it’s my last. And I want to live as big as my circumstances allow. As long as it’s sane, responsible and lawful. And one more thing –as long as no-one get’s hurt. It’s all good. It’s all very good.

That in mind, we went with @momwhoruns and her BF (boyfriend, in social media parlance) to see Les Coquettes last Sunday night. In a nutshell – WOW.

I’m a marketing communications expert. I am not a professional theatre go-er and nor am I particularly knowledgeable about burlesque (the show’s adult-themed format), but there are several things I learned about this very entertaining show that we should all heed

1. Dare to be different. It works everytime. Steve Jobs dared to be different – so different that the iPod he invented was in fact the first CE device in history without an on/off switch. Genius. No. Off-the-charts genius. It’s really hard to compare a burlesque show with the iPod, but I will say that this production is really different. I won’t say how different – but it’s different enough to put the pep into one’s stride.

2. Give something away. Let’s face it – there is no such a thing as a free lunch anymore. Nothing for nothing. If you’re smart, you’ll give something away. If you’re smarter, you’ll give something away that’s free anyway. And we each got a drink on the house. Perceived value to me? $9. Actual cost $.25c. That’s damn smart thinking. And not only that … but as importantly – a free cocktail is sure to lighten the crowd.

3. Confidence breeds confidence. Again, I’m no theatre crtitic but the show’s MC (Catherine) exuded confidence. Not the fake confidence that’s transparent – but real confidence. Interestingly enough, (and as an aside, she also writes a blog). Coquettish, statuesque and silky smooth in both stride and speech, Catherine keeps the show moving at just the right pace. And this is a very important concept in marketing – Timing is everything. Blow your wad a second too soon, or too late – and you lose. Well, she was just right --- snappy, witty, charming (and just naughty-enough) at just the perfect time. I like that - a lot.

4. Never overstay your welcome. I’ve read hundreds of news releases, case studies, testimonials and other marketing stuff that simply put is just too long. Boredom ensues and you lose attention. The show was just right. My best recollection is that it lasted about an hour – the perfect length. They say too much of a good thing is too much of a good thing – and the show’s duration was perfect. Neither too much, not too little in terms of timing.

5. Become your character – it’s what makes you memorable. From busty Lilli Bubalotovich to sultry Suki Tsunami , each cast member was uniquely different from any other cast member. The operative word being “uniquely”. Each one lived their part – and stood out. Want to be memorable? Then be memorable (read: stand out) from the crowds. And if I look to my own achievements, every time I stepped out of my comfort zone, I became memorable. (Ask me about what happened at Tim Horton’s this morning)

Bottom line is this: If you’re looking for something fun, different and risqué – this show offers all the above and more … Now, as for me – I’m gonna get back to thinking about marketing and for sure, stepping out of my comfort zone. Far out of it – and much more often.

1 comment:

  1. Hey John!

    Long time reader, first time commenter here.
    The name's Brent, pleasure to meet you!

    Love your new blog post but you cant leaving me hanging like this, WHAT HAPPENED AT TIM HORTONS??!!

    Looking forward to hearin' all about it!

    By the way, your blog posts are very eye opening and inspiring. My son Milton especially enjoys you but dont tell him I said that!

    Take care and all the best,
