Sunday, July 31, 2011

Dear Blog - I am sorry

Dear Blog,

I am sorry that I have not written on you over the past few months. The truth of the matter is that I just have not felt like it, on top of the fact that I have been really busy. Anyway, no excuse is a good one --- but suffice it to say that I am sorry.’
So, what’s been happening the past few months --- well, actually a lot --- a hell of a lot

1. Both kids have been at sleep away camp for the past 4 weeks. Amanda comes home tomorrow and Jason will be back in 2 weeks. It’s been strangely quiet without them – and I am wondering if this is a good or a bad thing.

2. I was fortunate enough to see U2 in Toronto a couple of weeks ago … wow. These guys still have it. We were on the floor at the Rogers Centre. The weather was perfect and the Irish lads were in fine form. Also to note was that the weather was picture perfect … it was quite the sight, watching the sun set with the CN Tower in the background, all offset by U2’s very imposing stage set

3. Hmm … my fitness. As I mentioned dear blog, I have been running very hard – and as a result, I have not been working out as often as I should be. I promise I will be more diligent. Working out makes me feel so much better in every way

4. Karen and I went to Mexico (Cancun to be precise) and we had an awesome time. A day or so into our vacation, we met some awesome people (Kay and Lizzy from Scotland, Kristin and Kerri from Vegas as well as Mike, Goldie, Cory and Ryan from Atlanta --- and we all hit it off immediately. Now that I look back – it is amazing how profoundly each of these special people affected our vacation (in positive ways. Since I get sort of bashful when writing on my blog, I will spare the details – but suffice it to say – we had an awesome time.

5. The summer … well, now that the summer is in full swing --- I can see the end of it … and it ends in a month … bah humbug

So, dear blog, it’s almost midnight – time for bed. Another day,



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