Monday, January 3, 2011

Time To Get Social

It may sound mundane, but social media is more powerful than one may think, and here’s why, based on an experience I had a few minutes ago, courtesy of Peter Shankman (@petershankman). So Peter posted what he would like to do in 2011. See it on his blog at I commented what I would like to do … just a fast 3 line comment. See it below his posting at

No big deal so far? Right! Pretty simple too!

I was also interested to see some of the other comments people had made as to what they wanted to accomplish in 2011. I saw Kendra Kroll’s (had never heard of her )comments beneath mine … here’s what she says she wants to do …

“I’d like to find a way to get a more ubiquitous (TV) demo for my PortaPocket line so that people will recognize its true function and not confuse it with just another ipod holder.

I’d like to get in at least 3 more major outlets for more distribution.

I’d also like to encourage more resources to truly understand the difficulty involved with launching small business and perhaps offer special reduced pricing for those of us working stiffs so we might be able to participate. ;-)

Beyond that, I’d like to be able to make people return their messages (whether e-mailed or voice) so that actual progress on issues can be made.

May all of us entrepreneurs out there be able to stay the course and have a HAPPY & PRODUCTIVE 2011!!”

Mundane? Perhaps! But interesting to me.

Then I found out her Twitter handle (took me all of 4 seconds) and then I started following her (3 seconds). She’s at @PortaPocketGal --- please follow her. And based on our interests, I am sure she’ll follow me back. This is not profound, but it sure highlights a few things I love about social media:

1. Connections are immediate

2. It’s all about being social – will either Kendra or Peter be aggravated by this posting … I don’t think soooooooooooo!

3. Peter unwittingly intro’d us – Kendra and I being two random individuals with common business interests (Kendra’s looking for PR among other things)

4. It’s interesting

5. It’s just so easy.

That’s all for today folks! I have two words to say ... "Get Social"

1 comment:

  1. Hi John
    I am Eric's sister. I live in South Africa and have only seen Eric once since his amputation. After his surgery he had an incredible disposition and attitude. He never once complained or discussed his hardships, he always spoke positive. He set himself difficult goals and over achieved. You see Eric really is a doer. He said he would come back to SA dancing. And he did just that. For barely a year later he was dancing at my daughter's wedding just as he had promised.
    Eric certainly has walked the walk and danced the dance.
    I run a paint business with a strong passion and I am fully aware just how demanding and physical his job is. I am glad that Eric has done you proud and you make me proud to have him as my brother.
    Kind regards
    Merle Rifkind
