Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Thin Wallet

So, I met my friend and poker buddy Ori for lunch last week at a great Sushi place called Maison Du Japon, ( So, when it came time to pay Ori decided it was his turn. I’ll pay next time, no problem.

So out of his pocket, he took his wallet (or lack thereof). It really was his credit cards, health insurance card, drivers licence, birth card and a few other non-descript cards and some cash, held together by a blue rubber-band. It was actually quite refreshing to see Ori’s non-wallet – and likely the fist time I had ever seen a wallet (or lack thereof) like Ori’s.

Now it’s not that Ori is some kind of urban bum (au contraire). He actually is really sophisticated, maybe even urbane – but that’s his style. He wanted something thin that would be as unobtrusive as possible, and that’s good thinking. Nothing could indeed be thinner than a non-wallet.

So, what’s the notion of simplicity got to do with PR? Actually a heck of a lot, and it is coincidental that I noticed this just last week. You see, I meet with a lot of companies, all looking for complex PR solutions. And there really is no such a thing. Simple is best. It works and it generally is less expensive than complex. Now, I’ve just gotta get these complex thinkers to think simply (and believe me)

Oh, one more thing - Ori, I may be getting rid of my wallet too … simple is always better

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