Thursday, July 30, 2009

Weird or What?

You know, a very strange thing happened to me yesterday while driving to work.

I’m just driving doing my own thing. I’m not speaking on the phone and nor am I distracted by music or anything else. I’m in the left lane driving down a relatively quiet street when I hear honking from behind. Instinctively, I take stock of what I’m doing. I’m not exceeding the speed limit. I’m not drifting across lanes. I’m not holding anyone or anything up. I’m simply driving. I continue, thinking nothing of it. 20 seconds or so later, I pull up to a red light and the car that honked pulls up next to me. He’s got a passenger in his vehicle. The passenger rolls down his window and looks at me. Do I recognize him? Nope! “Weird” I say to myself.

Next thing I know the passenger takes out a digital camera and takes a picture of my license plate. We both then pull off like nothing ever happened.

Weird huh?!?!

What’s the PR angle in this story? I have no idea but when one does come up. I sure will blog about it.


  1. It's the new big thing: drive around taking pictures of random things - if you scare people as a result, it's extra point. If you cause bodily damage, it's 2. Kids these days...

  2. Hmmm...this one's a bit of a mystery. Maybe he was just messing around with you. Or have you come up with a far more interesting PR angle yet?
