Saturday, February 14, 2009

It's Not All About Control

The plane that went down in the Hudson a few weeks ago (the one where everyone survived) really got me thinking about something that’s very near and dear to my heart – control.

Contrast a plane ride with a car ride for a second. This coming from a guy who flies very nervously several times a month.

The reason that I don't worry in the car is that I'm in control. That's misplaced confidence because there are a lot of idiots and bad drivers out there. And in the air, there are significantly less. But I'm not in control once I strap in. I have to trust the pilot, the air traffic controller, the maintenance people and the equipment. For a guy who likes to be in control, it's a lot of trust.I have the same issues at work. I'm not really a good delegator. It's not that I don't have confidence in the people that I work with - I do. But I'm just used to doing everything myself, so half the time I don't think to delegate or outsource or anything but roll up my sleeves and get things done.The problem is that it doesn't scale and my list isn't getting any shorter. So ceding control is really a survival instinct. You need to trust in your team, as much as you trust your pilot. Given my personality, it's a fight I'll need to wage daily, but it's one that is worth fighting. Life is too short to do everything yourself.

And not only that--- I see in my clients, so clearly what I see in myself --- the art of delegation! (or lack thereof).

To run a successful PR program, you have to delegate more and do less. Trust us, dear client --- you’ll be better off because of it. After all, if you could do PR, you would not have hired us. Right?

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