Monday, January 14, 2008

Report from CES in Las Vegas

I was in Las Vegas last week, representing a couple clients, each of whom was launching new services. It was really cool, but then again, that's to be expected. It was CES after all. And this was Vegas. Woo Hoo!!

Vegas is like Disney for adults - and we all know what a good job Disney's marketing people do.
If there's ever been a town that just ropes you in, it's Vegas. First, everyone,and I mean everyone has their hand out for a tip. I'm not complaining though - because the service is so good. The cab drover, does not simply open the door of his car with a mumbkled hello. He really opens it emphatically and with a flourish like he's happy to see you. Doesn't matter he doesn't care how you are. Anyone know any other cities that boast this ... now mind you, that little opening of the door just cost me three bucks, but hey, it sure is worth it. I am feeling good.

Vegas truly is a city that gets it --- big time. Everything is done with a flourish. Everything costs and arm and a leg - but hell - so what - they're hell-bent on quality and ensuring you're having a good time. And despite being rivered at the poker tables more than a few times, a good time was had.

Vegas, I'll be back in April for the CTIA show

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