Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What It Takes To Be A Good Client

Just last week we were pitching a new piece of business and whether or not we win (we were the smallest and least expensive of 3 agencies to be on the short list), the client asked a very intuitive question that I have not heard in several years, "Sacke, what in your mind makes an ideal client?" Clearly, this question does not come up often, for most clients think they can sit back, relax, have us to all the work and then watch the incremental sales come in.

Accuse me for being overly honest, but nothing could be further than the truth.

So George, (sorry to mention you by first name), here's a short elaboration of what we discussed:

1. Bring us to the table early.
This is key. It's no use us being prepped after the gig. Brief us early. Brief us well and tell us the real deal. Leave the sugar coated words at home. Armed with knowledge early in the plan pays massive dividends.

2. Keep away from the "hurry up , but we'll keep you waiting syndrome"
Nothing is more frustrating or disconcerting than having us work through the night to make your last minute deadline, and then waiting a week to get back to us with comments. This is the antithesis of effective PR. Time is of the essence in everything we all do.

3. Trust our counsel
We have won your business - not an easy task. Now you have to trust us. We have dealt with your issues before, so you have now to embrace our counsel. Yes, while any PR agency may err,we promise it will be far less frequent than you will err as it relates to PR. And if we err too frequently for your comfort - fire us!

4. Don't believe the hype
It was the group Public Enemy (a great rap band), who said it best some 20 years ago. We've seen it all before. Tell us reality. Keep it real. Tell us your achievements rather than what you think you'll achieve. While we all agree planning is important, it's far more important that your planning be realistic as opposed to it being just a plan (mired in dreams).

5. Embrace us early, often and warmly
Don't be afraid to ask us our opinion. Tell us what's on your mind. The warmer the hug, the better the results we will deliver. After all, we are not mind readers ... we do everything else though!

That said George. Win, lose or draw, we hope our insights will help in your selection.


  1. and pay your bills on time. we deliver great product on time. we make a difference when dealing with your stragetic thinkers, not your accounting department.

  2. Yes, correct. We hate dealing with our clients' accounting departments. Never is fun
