Friday, October 19, 2007

What does it take to be good at PR

We're hiring right now and it sure is not easy to find the right person. But to me, it's a useful process. There's an old talmudic saying, "The fool is someone who does not learn from everyone else." And it's so true in the hiring process.

So as a job seeker in PR, here's some of what you need to know to succeed.

Patience: If you don't have it, throw in the towel. Now, if only we could get our clients to be patient.

Be nice: Ever met a PR person who comes off like a jerk? These people don't stay in their jobs too long.

Control your emotions: The worst PR people are either too passive or overly aggressive.

Have nerve: Be it the nerve to cold - call a reporter on deadline, or the nerve to disclose bad news, it takes a streak of cold blood to be able to do PR.

Hunger for knowledge: The best PR people can put things into context. They can narrow or broaden a particular ifdea and sesamlessly tailor it for each reporter,depending on their requirements.,

These are just a smattering of what you need to succeed. Best wishes

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