So, yesterday I turned 54 – my age now incorporating the numbers of the most famous dance club of this (or the last) generation; Studio 54. Truth be told, I did go there a few times (the winter of 1985) but that’s a topic for another day.
You know, birthdays always make me reflect a little – and the perfect time for that was yesterday in the spinning class I went to from 5:30 to 6:15pm. The instructor played great music – loud – and for those that know me well, know that I love great music – loud. It was grunge hour yesterday, a genre I particularly like. Soundgarden. Nirvana. Blink 182. Pearl Jam. I was in my happy place and did some good reflection.
The bottom line is this: I consider myself to be the most fortunate person I know (or even don't). Far as I am concerned, I have it all. A great job. An awesome wife. Two great young adult kids. Supportive family. A career I adore which provides me a good living. Perfect health. A wide and diverse circle of friends and many clients that admire and respect me. And I live in a fantastic country. And that’s the point – I have it all – and I am so grateful.
That I have so much happiness in my life, makes me kinda/ somewhat qualified to share the things that got me to where I am, and if this helps but one person of the approximate 600 that will get this – then the world will be (just a little bit) a better place.
- Being angry for 10 minutes is OK. Being angry for more than 10 minutes is not. People, places and things are going to piss you off from time to time. No question. And you’re going to be justifiably angry. Know what I say? Get over it dude and move on. No problem was ever solved by dwelling in an angry past --- look at the tomorrow aspect
- Keep in touch with people – even when you don’t need anything from them and especially when you don’t need anything from them. Even a dead, rapidly rotting fish in the summer sun smells better than a voicemail I got a few days ago that went like this, “Hi John, it’s so-and-so and we met like ten years ago at a PR conference. FRemember me? Sorry I never called you or was in touch. But I wanted to pick your brain for a few minutes. Please call me.” Yeah right? I could not hit the delete button fast enough
- Keep your word. I know this sounds easier than you think – but most people say one thing and do another. I’ve noticed in the past few years that many people pay little attention to doing what they say and saying what they do … but don’t be a sheeple. If you say it. Then do it. Simple.
- Ask not what others can do for you, but what you can do for others. Help before you ask for help yourself. Be kind and generous in everything (especially with our time) to others and they’ll repay you over and over and over again. You have got to give to get.