Saturday, April 30, 2016

Jason's first year of University --- Is Over

2016 so far has been an amazing year ... it was 9 months ago that Jason (our oldest son), started his University career at Huron College at Western University.  It was an extremely emotional time for me.  And if you don't remember, please see my emotionally-charged blog posting about his departure here.

Well, it's now 9 months later, and he's home for the summer (that's if this dastardly cold Canadian weather ever improves) - and so last week, I made the Toronto-London pilgrimage (like all good parents do) to pick him up.

Jason Leaving South-West Residence
for the last time
He's had a stellar year by all counts --- and as I look back on his first year, I thought I'd share some insights I've gained

1.  It was a major step for Jason, but an even (unseemingly) larger step for me.   I vividly remember saying goodbye to him last year, knowing full well I would see him 5 weeks later.  It was not that that killed me, but it was the realization that he was far more accountable tio himself than he would be to us

2.  Texting is far more efficient (at least to Jason) than phone.  I think it's true to say that kids no longer give good phone ... they give great text.  Jason and I had many great text convo's this past year.  Phone --- not so many.

Father and Son

3.  You gotta trust.  This is a big one for me.  In my world, trust is something that's earned.  It does not simply come.  I think it's fair to say that Jason earned our trust --- in every way.

That said, I'm kinda tired --- so I will end right here.  Nest year (September), Jason moves into a house with his 4 university friends.  The chapter continues
