Saturday, October 24, 2015

It's All About The Service

Something’s on my mind that I need to talk about.

Without question the cab business as we know it, is under attack from companies like Uber and Lyft. It’s new versus old school, disruptors versus traditionalists – you get the picture.  Just read any newspaper or online forum and you’ll see the tremendous battle being waged globally (and in Toronto), daily.

So, you’d think, the cab business would spruce itself up, do something different or just simply provide a better service.  Not!

You see, I needed a cab this morning.  Called the local cab company.  Now I know that being a cab dispatcher may not be exactly the most stimulating job in the world, but at least fake a bit of interest in the caller’s needs.  Dispatcher seemed bored out of his mind, grunted hello, told me my address (guess it’s linked to my phone number), and before I could say something, he said the cab would be here in 5 minutes.  He hung up. Click.  Duration of call – 8 seconds.  Service zero.

Five minutes later, cab arrives.  I get in, say hi.  No response from the cabbie.  Not even an acknowledgement that I’m in his car.  Not even a grunt.

Six long-feeling minutes later, I’m at my destination.  Fare $8.00.  Tip $2.00. I thank him (I’m not sure why). Total paid $10.00.  I shut the door and I’m on my way.  Then it occurred to me that in the 6 minutes I was in the car, the cabbie did not say a single word.  Not a hello. Not a thanks.  And not a good-bye. Now maybe he was having a crappy day.  I get that.  We’re only human.  But then tell me. 
Or better yet, take the day off.

Am I missing something?

I speak to a lot of people who use Uber … they love it.  I hear Uber’s drivers seem genuinely happy.  They’re grateful to be doing what they’re doing. Cheaper fares to boot with a far nicer overall experience. 

I’m in the service business too.  There are thousands of John Sackes in my business.  There’s two on every corner.   Do I have a crappy day from time-to-time?  Of course yet.  That said, I try to make every client feel special.  I listen a lot. I smile a lot.  I engage a lot.  And most of all, I’m grateful that my clients have selected me --- unlike the cab dispatcher and cabbie who both were disinterested, disengaged and ungrateful that I had selected them.  Both were bordering on rude!

Seems like a no-brainer to me, but again, I may be missing something.  If I am, please let me know.  And if I’m not, please let me know too.