Sunday, April 12, 2009

Is there anybody out there?

Just a few minutes ago,. I had occasion to call the company we use for conference calling on behalf of our clients. They’re a great company, Premiere Conferencing. Please see We have been using them for a few years and we are very happy. We like their pricing. We like their quality. So?

Well, I needed to call them. Armed with our latest bill, I searched and searched for a number to call. Alas, there was email and snail mail … no-one to call.

Hello? You’re in the phone business no??

So I Googled the company and found them easily. Thanks Google! I spoke to as very helpful agent, Jeff Fraser. He was excellent – answered all my questions and made the necessary changes to my account. Pronto and without issue.

I have also sent a fast note to the company’s Canadian GM (Timothy Lang) bringing this to his attention. Rule 1: Make it easy, no … very easy for your customers to reach you in any way they choose.

Let’s see if they hear me. Stay posted!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

It's NOT the end of an era

I just wanted to take a sec to commend Carol Wilson, Editor-in-Chief of Telephony Magazine for her editor's letter in the publication's April 2009 edition. Please see

Established in 1901 (yup, that nineteen o one), it pretty much is the last telecomm trade pub standing ... and Carol makes some excellent points. The publication truly is high quality and employs some of the most talented writers the industry has to offer.

RCR folded last month and personally, I would be greatly saddened if Telephony were to suffer the same fate.

Carol, you're running a great pub. Advertisers, find the money to support them! We'll all be worse off if Telephony stops publishing.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's not bad to cry

I’d like to thank my friend Suzie in Montreal who inspired this posting.

You know, it’s really not a bad thing to cry – and unfortunately, we are all so concerned with putting on stoic facades, that all too often we hide behind these tough masks. From a young age, we seem to be groomed that it’s not cool to cry. Make no mistake, I am not advocating walking around like an overgrown “cry-baby” – but one has to be an emotional being to be human.

Everytime I hear “Do They Know It’s Christmas” – a classic song from 1984, I cry. I have watched “An Officer and A Gentleman”, umpteen times and I cry every time. I also cried watching “The Lion King” as I did when Andre Agassi retired.

So what’s the connection between crying and PR? Simple!

To many PR people lack emotion. They just go through the motions, grinding away at news releases and pitches – all without passion. They never laugh. They never cry. They never excel. They simply do. They simply exist – hardly a recipe for success

We’re not that type of firm. I am not that kind of guy. We laugh. We cry. We get emotional and we succeed.

Thanks Suzie again for underscoring the importance of being emotional. Oh, by the way, pass the Kleenex please.